Starting with a picture of the most exciting part of the day again (although, that was very difficult to choose, so much around us......) First full day at sea.
As I start this blog, it is only 1 pm, and we are already overwhelmed by
everything we have seen. We started the
day with a dinghy ride along the rugged volcanic shore, where we came incredibly
close to blue footed and Nasca boobies, marine iguanas, Galapagos terns, baby
fur sea lions, and a few swimming turtles.
We also came really close to a Galapagos penguin (did I mention I love
penguins?). We were almost close enough
to touch him, but he was completely oblivious and just continued preening
himself. Indeed, all the animal are
completely oblivious of our
presence: They know we are not a threat,
and they can’t eat us…. So they don’t
care. We thought that was a lot, but
then we went snorkeling among the sea lions and sea turtles, which at times came
so close it was hard to take pictures of them!
Blogging here is all about pictures, because words won’t do it. But In
fact, even with pictures, it is impossible to capture the experience of swimming
close enough to a turtle to touch it, or seeing 2 bull see lions challenge each
other, or seeing a baby sea lion nursing, or of sitting on a lava field, with
hundreds of marine iguanas walking by, trying to mate, swimming back from the
sea, all with a background of clear blue sea, and frigates and pelicans flying
So I will (eventually) post a lot of pictures from this
morning’s activities around Isabella’s island, and of this afternoon’s walk on Fernandina
island, and will attempt to describe the feeling…..
Pictures from the morning dingy ride along the coast of Isabella island:
Nasca BobbieAren't marine iguanas pretty?
All of the species seem to cohabitate peacefully....
Although this iguana (above) did not seem to enjoy the blue footed boobie standing on him...... This little penguin made me very happy! (Have I mentioned I love penguins?)
Galapagos terns, blue footed and nasca boobies (below) share the cliff. Although, the Nasca was annoyed that the blue footed wanted to share this particular spot.
Blue footed boobies have a slightly demented look...
area, but under water. The water is not very cold, about 74 degrees (in other words, really warm by Montauk standards....), but since we stay in for an hour or so, it's just more comfortable with wet suits.
This is what the area looks like from the dingy. Also very barren (because the islands are basically just lava rocks), it is very pretty.
The underwater adventure was just amazing. Swimming among playful sea lions and large turtles! I was awed......
In the afternoon, we traveled to Fernandina island, where there is a huge colony of marine iguanas.
They are fascinating, but look a bit creepy, and really....
This one (left) thinks he is very attractive, and is moving his chin to show the females that is ready!
When they climb out of the water, they remind me of the line from Tom Paxton's song "I'm changing my name to Chrysler" (google it, it's good!) : "when the first amphibian crawled out of the slime......"
But they do hang around in peaceful piles,
and cohabitate nicely with other species, like this little lava lizard (below)
There were also a lot of young sea lions playing in the pools formed by the uneven lava rocks.
This young male challenged a much larger bull, and it was funny to see how fast they can move, once the big one got annoyed and started chasing him....
There were several nursing mothers, and a lot of mother's love.....
Also saw some interesting birds, such as this pelican,
This Galapagos hawk (the top predator on the islands - he will eat anything from lizards, to iguanas, even to baby seals)
And his Galapagos heron, who was lecturing the world about something.....
Several sea turtles were resting on the beach, while we walked by..... (below)
and there are some psychedelic crabs all around....
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